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Μαθητικοί Ιστότοποι
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Comenius ProjectsVaried Artistic Roots but a Common Cultural Heritage
Νέα υποψηφιότητα για πρόγραμμα Comenius το οποίο θα κατατεθεί για έγκριση φέτος έτσι ώστε αν χρηματοδοτηθεί να "τρέξει" τα σχολικά έτη 2012-2013 και 2013-2014 Το πρόγραμμα αφορά την κοινή πολιτιστική και καλλιτεχνική κληρονομία των χωρών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Παρακάτω είναι η περίληψη και η κεντρική ιδέα του προγράμματος έτσι όπως τα ετοίμασε ο Γάλλος συντονιστής κος Patrick Morales Δ/ντης του: ECOLE NOTRE DAME DES ARTS SACRE COEUR (RIOM) COMENIUS PROGRAMME FOR A LIFELONG EDUCATION AND TRAINING - L.E.T.Comenius ? School Partnership
2012 Selection
Partnership activities from September 2012 to July 2014
Varied Artistic Roots but a Common Cultural Heritage
Our project is part of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) This partnership with its various and varied roots (public and private schools ; rural and urban environment , from the North to the south and from the east to the West of Europe ) has the will to work on a same topic, art history in Europe : Varied Artistic Roots but a Common Cultural Heritage
Our main goal is to develop a European identity among pupils and educational communities through discovering and sharing our artistic and cultural roots. It is about understanding the artistic community spirit which has been uniting Europe for more than three thousand years. This work of research, production and exchange between schools will be the opportunity to establish a partnership with the artistic and cultural institutions as well in each country (museums, libraries, Regional Fund for Contemporary Art ) Communication between the pupils, future European citizens, will take place thanks to the NTICE and will value the mother tongue of each partner while triggering learning of other European languages. Our multidisciplinary project will involve artistic education and history in priority. 1. 5 historical periods
2. 6 main fields
One of the seven pillars of the European Framework deals with the acquisition of a humanistic and artistic culture. These cultures can?t only be national especially in a European environment. Our project includes the great achievements of the European culture ( The Bible, Homer?s Iliad and Odyssey ,etc?) but also the main works of art of our heritage in order to allow pupils to understand and exchange what is universal and therefore essential in our cultures. By working together, we will be able to :
Art and culture are also playing a main role in the training, developing and fulfillment of the human being ; our common work contribute to make our pupils responsible grown-ups with critical sense and capable of a sensitive vision of the European society. The project meetings will allow teachers to exchange on the application of European texts regarding Art History Education but also the confluence of works of art and artists during museum visits,arts gallery ? |
Έξυπνη ΑναζήτησηΣήμερα είναι ...Παρασκευή 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2025 20:15:38 |